The BEST Method of Explaining IPF Oxygen Therapy to Patients is FREE

When your lungs aren’t getting enough oxygen, it’s a real problem. A big problem, especially, when a person is living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). But that’s not the only problem.

Without proper amounts of oxygen in the bloodstream, other organs lose the ability to work properly—including the brain. Then things can go south, quickly, depending on how deprived of oxygen the body is.

So I watched a short animation film on the three different types of oxygen therapy, wondering if it might help explain how healthcare professionals explain it to their patients. I’m glad I did, but I feel so conflicted about it because I’m not sure if it’s doing more harm than good.

Having had loved ones who’ve been on oxygen therapies for a variety of chronic illnesses and conditions, I felt familiar with the factual explanation of the basic types:

  • Concentrated oxygen: Dependent upon electricity
  • Compressed gas (oxygen): Large canisters used typically at or near terminal stage of illness
  • Liquid oxygen: More portable and not reliant upon electricity

But I remember the human touch with our doctors and nurses actually discussing our options with us. I remember encouragement. Inspiration. Some positivity!

The film also covered important safety facts: that people on oxygen therapies cannot be near an open flame, cigarette, gas stove, cigars, etc., as it could lead to a dangerous combustive explosion.

And I liked the fact that it stressed that with oxygen therapy, people are able to do more physical activity as opposed to not getting the oxygen their bodies need. That I thought was positive—especially for men, who in my experience have a harder time adjusting to oxygen therapy because it’s not “manly” to be tethered to a machine, or a device that’s so foreign to everyday life.

But the film is impersonal. My God, I know that’s why they call it an “animation” but I’m trying to process WHY they didn’t use real-life people—even actors. Although I detest actors in Pharma ads on TV because they look too happy and well, damnitall, they’re actors?

But the personal touch is missing. In my opinion, while factual, the animation was pretty bad. The voices were so robotic-sounding and scary, that they make Siri sound like your favorite Auntie. But why? To remove the fear factor? No sad faces?

Alisha Stone

Alisha Stone

Alisha Stone has a BA in psychology and is dedicated to improving the lives of others living with chronic illnesses.

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