What Can You Do About High Cortisol levels?

Living with Cushing’s Disease: How Healthy Eating and Exercise Will Help

Cushing’s disease is a condition that occurs when there is a high amount of cortisol in your blood. This level can raise from stress, panic disorders, certain medications, poor nutrition and more.

So what can you do about high cortisol levels? You can improve your diet, for one thing, and you can focus on light exercise to improve your overall health.

Good Nutrition is vital

Nutritious foods are essential for everyone, but if you are dealing with a disabling disease such as Cushing syndrome, a healthy diet can be life-changing. You will need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, because they are very high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Calcium and vitamin D are two nutrients you should focus on, as Cushing syndrome can cause problems with bone density loss or weakness. Calcium and vitamin D both support a healthy skeletal system, and vitamin D can help combat the depression that often comes with Cushing syndrome.

Other nutritional factors to consider are your needs for healthy fats, whole grains, and lean proteins, all of which give your body the energy it needs to be active throughout the day.

Exercise Should Begin Slowly

You can’t just jump into dead lifiting your friends like PW Cushing’s Disease Contributor Liz does! It is important to start off slow, listen to your body and find what works best for you.

If you have been recently diagnosed with Cushing syndrome, you need to take time to allow your body to heal from the high cortisol levels you were experiencing. This means that you should not begin a rigorous exercise routine right away. Exercise should start slowly, and you can consider an easy yoga class, tai chi, or a water aerobics class to begin exercising.

If you feel pain at any time, you should stop exercising. Talk to your doctor about your exercise options if you are eager to work out, but aren’t sure what types of activities you can safely and comfortably do. Regular exercise increases your overall health, both physically and mentally. Endorphins are produced when you exercise, and this is a hormone that allows you to feel good, positive and calm as you go about your day.

However, too much exercise can set you back physically, making recovery from Cushing syndrome harder in the long run. There is a fine line between healthy exercise and rest when you are recovering from this illness, and you have to listen to your body when it becomes too sore to continue working out.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are both necessary for you to live a happy, healthier life.

PW_Ad_3_41516When you are struggling with a difficult-to-treat illness, getting your nutrition and exercise under control is important. When you are ready to manage your disease through diet and exercise, talk with your doctor about your options.

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