When Routine Bruises Are Not Routine: VWD, Diabetes and Other Possible Causes

Bruises. Ouchies. Boo Boos. Whatever you call them, injuries to the skin can happen anywhere on the body and can be caused by everything from vitamin deficiencies to a rare disease like Von Willebrand disease (VWD). The injury seems harmless enough, but some bruises might need more medical attention than a kiss and some Bactine, according to an online article from Medical Daily.

Those black-and-blue skin discolorations can come from any number of sources, from bumping into a coffee table or, as is usually the case for me, tripping over an untied shoelace. The source of the bruise can be varied, but there are times when it should be given special attention.

The article goes on to offer a number of reasons for bruising.

Vitamin Deficiency

The body needs vitamins to help with creating blood, clotting and healing. Vitamin B12 helps make red blood cells and DNA. Vitamin K facilitates clotting, and Vitamin C makes collagen for skin and blood vessel production. When vitamins are depleted or not available, bruising occurs more easily. By adding foods rich in these vitamins or a supplement, this type of bruising can be managed.

Von Willebrand Disease

For people with VWD, their blood is missing the Willebrand factor protein that helps blood clot. As a result, they may experience excessive bleeding or bruise very easily. Though there is no cure for this rare disease, doctors do have a number of ways to treat it through medication.


The effects of diabetes can affect more than just a person’s sugar level. It can also cause changes in blood circulation and make your skin bruise more easily. If you find yourself struggling with thirst, vision changes and tiredness, you may be experiencing issues with your blood sugar and should contact your doctor.

If you find yourself covered in unexplained bruises, other than from a fall or bump, you can read more about possible causes here.

 Do you know of any other potential causes? Share your thoughts today.