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Meet our Patient Worthy Contributors
While we rely on the perspective of our amazing Patient Worthy Contributors and readers to publish content for the rare community, we want you to meet some of our team, essential to making the magic happen!
Kathryn Devanny, Director of Advocacy Relations. Listening to patients and incorporating their needs and perspectives, as to what really matters in health care is Kathryn’s primary goal. She encourages efforts to empower patients and those hoping to make new treatments, and supportive services available to them. She has worked in primary care planning, community health education, hospital administration and occupational medicine prior to concentrating in rare disease research and advocacy. She holds graduate degrees in Anthropology and Public Health Planning and Administration.
Rebekah Horsting, Community Manager. holds a degree in cultural anthropology with a concentration in medical anthropology from the University of Mary Washington, and will soon hold a Patient Advocate Certificate via the PPALS program. She is passionate about amplifying the voices and experiences that are not often heard, and believes in the impact that those voices can have.
Ilana Bean, Managing Editor. Ilana’s background is in medical illustration and communication, and she believes that patients shouldn’t need specialized training to learn about the research and policies that affect their everyday lives. Her favorite part of working at Patient Worthy is seeing people with rare and neglected conditions recognize the power of their own stories.