Meme: What Lies Within Us
No matter what happened in your past or what may happen in you're future, it's no match for you. You are tough enough to handle it. Your inner strength is…
No matter what happened in your past or what may happen in you're future, it's no match for you. You are tough enough to handle it. Your inner strength is…
Sometimes, the only things you can do are what is necessary in life-- the things that are possible. Keep doing just that and soon you may find that you can do…
New BEGINNINGS are often disguised as painful endings. -Lao Tzu A New Year... time for new beginnings. If this year has been particularly hard for you, I hope this new…
Share the spirit of healing. Those with rare diseases seek healing all year round. The holidays are for a different kind of healing though, healing of the spirit and soul.…
Yes, it is the season of holidays. Happy Christmahanakwanzika! Or whichever holiday you celebrate! I hope you experience peace, love and joy this season.
If this holiday season finds you with extra love to share, then I hope can share a little bit to help fund research for a rare disease so that others…
Hey, a happy holidays meme without using red and green! Here’s wishing you peace and love during the holidays. Even if you don’t celebrate a specific holiday, I hope the…
Happy Holidays! Many people spend their time running around trying to bake as much as they can, buy and wrap as many presents as they can, go to as many…
Sometimes it feels like nothing is going your way. Though it can be difficult, try to find the positive. Silver linings can make a world of difference.
Tomorrow is another day. New beginnings and new opportunities are right around the corner and bad days don't last forever. Keep your chin up!
This is always something good to keep in mind, but especially around the holidays! Spoonies often are dealing with fatigue and pain. Don't feel like you need to do so…
It's not an easy swim but moving forward is important. You could be so close to having luck be in your favor.
"Every moment on this earth is an extraordinary, destiny defining gift from God." –Billy Cox Happy Thanksgiving Patient Worthians!
"As Long as you're still breathing, There's still a purpose for your life." - Billy Cox I find these words very inspiring and comforting. Even when you question why you…
Ah, I remember the simple times, when all you had to worry about was tracing your hand with a crayon and color in a turkey. Now I am an adult…
Whether you’re trying not to gain weight over Thanksgiving, or the prospect of being around a bunch of food you can’t eat because it would be bad for your rare…
Spoonies are strong every day and in spite of a lot. Don't forget that you have a courageous heart <3
Don't let things as important as tenderness and compassion ever be mistaken for weakness or fragility!
Halloween is here! The night known for indulging and splurging on candy. For some people this may not be an option though, for instance people with familial hypercholesterolemia. Eating a…
Happy Halloween! A lot of people grow out of Halloween. I personally love any reason to celebrate. I believe that life is short and it should be enjoyed at every…
Are you planning on handing out candy for Halloween? If so I have a suggestion for you! This is the perfect opportunity for you to advocate for the rare disease…
Happy Labor Day! I hope this Labor Day finds you well! Kick back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labor! While you do that be sure to send good…
Labor Day, devoted to no man or woman, celebrates all of us and our pursuit of happiness and the American Dream. There are some out there who suffer illnesses, whether…
According to the history of Labor Day, this day is dedicated to those who add to the strength, prosperity and well being of this country. I say double kudos to…
Ahh Labor Day, the day where we all take the day off to relax and spend time with friends, family and fellow laborers (ff you're lucky enough to work somewhere…