Why Getting High Is The Best Way to Treat Your Chronic Disease

This November, citizens of Montana will have something very important to vote on—besides who will be the leader of our country, of course. So, what exactly are they voting on?

Medical cannabis.

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“I’m just a bill… Do you got chips?” Source: Giphy

In a scathing opinion piece, a man named Boone Goddard blasts the classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug, while there are patents held by the federal government to research the use of marijuana to help certain medical conditions.

His key issue with this contradiction is the fact that Schedule I drugs, by definition, cannot have any medical purpose.

Yet, the patent explains that marijuana is being studied because it shows some promise as a medical treatment.

Because the cannabinoids in marijuana contain antioxidant properties that work in a unique way, they have been used to treat a number of diseases, including autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

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Yep, you read that right! Source: Giphy

Medical cannabis isn’t a stranger topic on PatientWorthy. Many patients have talked about how medical cannabis has given them relief that other medications haven’t been able to achieve.

And for Boone Goddard, medical cannabis is an important issue to him.

As a man who lives with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), medical cannabis is one of the few things that gives him any pain relief.

Because clearly sloths are ALWAYS high. Let's be more like sloths! Source: www.giphy.com
Because clearly sloths are ALWAYS high. Let’s be more like sloths! Source: www.giphy.com

The antioxidants in medical cannabis helps counteract the inflammation caused by his AS. And on top of that, it’s not toxic and doesn’t have the same kind of severe side effects as many of the pharmaceutical drugs he’s tried over the years.

So, Goddard implores his fellow Montanans to vote in favor of medical cannabis in November—for the sake of patients throughout the state, including himself, who get so much relief from this form of treatment.