Eventually, we reach a place in life where making a meaningful impact in the world becomes a motivating force. We know we’re there when we simply want to make something better in the world in some way—a legacy like the UNC research team, which has been setting the stage for major breakthroughs in hemophilia and HIV since 1947.
It is not an overstatement to say that researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill, particularly Kenneth Brinkhous, have been changing the course of global public health for decades. When the AIDS crisis hit the blood supply people with hemophilia depended on in the 1980s, Brinkhous was front and center looking for solutions. He’d been working in the world of blood clotting disorders since 1947 and his contribution to the field is undeniable. His research and determination has transformed the lives of countless people.
As a researcher and clinical pathologist, Brinkhous first became intrigued by hemophilia because it was so unpredictable. The challenge appealed to him and he’s been studying blood clotting since before World War II.
Hemophilia A is a hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a lack of blood clotting factor VIII. Without enough factor VIII, the blood cannot clot properly to control bleeding.
Brinkhous’ UNC team of researchers—and those who have learned at his side and have continued his stellar work throughout the years—created partnerships within industry that have moved the work forward.
To date, thirteen startup companies have formed to tackle prevention, treatment, and cures for blood disorders and HIV/AIDS.
Now, that’s a legacy to read about.
Without Expecting in Return
When our family and friends gather to honor our life, what have we left behind?
Beyond the contents of our last will and testament, what part of us remains on earth even after we’ve passed away? Our legacy.
It’s something we create during our life solely to benefit future generations, something we may never see come to fruition.
Just like that farmer’s sprouting tree, legacies don’t happen overnight—and they don’t happen by accident.
They’re deliberately crafted over years of hard work and dedication.
Food for Thought
As a gift to future generations, I want to use my life to create a powerful legacy and to make a positive contribution to the world.
Yet, up to this point in my life, I haven’t taken intentional actions that will create the type of legacy that I want.
And while I hope to live for at least another forty years, the date of my death is outside of my control. Like any of us, I could die at any time.
But no matter how many or how few years I have left, I absolutely have the ability to positively impact the world and touch lives far into the future.
We all do!
Do you live with hemophilia and have a legacy story to share? Inspire us all here at the PW community and leave a comment below.