Dealing with a tragedy such as a brain tumor poses a great challenge to relationships. In this rare occurrence, a young couple from England were both diagnosed with a brain tumor just weeks apart, according to Mirror.
Dean Goddard and Francesca Bryant, both in their late 20’s, have each other during these difficult times. After dating for 9 years, the couple are now facing this hardship by each other’s sides during the arduous treatment process.
Francesca’s type of brain tumor is that of Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome a rare genetic disorder with multi-system involvement. It is associated with cysts and benign tumors that usually transform at a malignant rate across the body, eyes, kidney and spinal cord. To read more about VHL, click here.
While the syndrome is usually inherited at 15, doctor’s recently found the tumor in her brain now in her late twenties. She underwent surgery immediately to get it removed. By a stroke of strange fate, her boyfriend was diagnosed with his own tumor in his optic nerve.
“Where it is in my eye they can’t operate, because it would mean I’d lose my sight. It’s also just too risky. They also told me that if I didn’t do anything, I would be dead in two or three years.”
Dean underwent a painstaking six weeks of radio therapy and says his eyesight will be forever damaged.
During treatments, the couple rallied around each other and strengthened their relationship even more. All the while, receiving love and support from family and friends. They even received support from local charities.
Dean had to take time off from his full time job as an estate agent but received support from the company, Macmillan.