Family Plans First Vacation Together After Daughter With Neuroblastoma is in Remission

Six-year-old Hope has spent her early years in and out of hospitals for treatment for the neuroblastoma tumors that populate her body- her lungs, stomach, arms, and even her spine all have tumors on them and she endured many chemotherapy treatments and an operation to remove her adrenal glands. Read more about Hope’s story here.
Neuroblastoma, a cancer found in the adrenal glands, is a cancer that usually affects children 5 years old or younger and can be deadly. Some forms of this cancer may go away on their own, and other times extensive treatment is required. This cancer is caused by a genetic mutation. To learn more about neuroblastoma, click here.

At one point, the doctors even dropped her chance of survival from 50% to a devastatingly low 20%.

There have been many times, Hope’s parents admit, when they feared they might lose their beloved Hope, but they never lost hope itself.

Now however, Hope faces real opportunity with a new prognosis given last November-her bone marrow treatment was successful and the cancer in her body is dormant!

Hope is now starting to enjoy the life of a normal healthy youngster. She attended her first school play recently. Even more exciting, her friends and family are preparing for a trip to Disneyland.

Her parents are overjoyed, never imagining they would get to see their daughter so happy and full of energy. Hope has her first birthday party coming up soon and she is making friends at school.
Despite the joys of Hopes new prognosis and remission, the facts remain: neuroblastoma has a high 80% relapse rate.

Her mother in understandably worried.

The family is raising funds for Hope just in case her cancer comes back and she has to go overseas for treatment.

Hope’s family has also just attended a charity football tournament to raise awareness about neuroblastoma.

Regardless of the fear of relapse, the family has a trip planned to Disneyland which will be the first family trip the entire family goes on together. Hope’s parents, older sisters, and brother will all be going.