Breakthrough Therapy Awarded to a Drug For RET-Altered Thyroid and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers

The United States FDA has awarded Breakthrough Therapy Designation to a drug called LOXO-292 for the treatment of RET-altered non-small cell lung cancer and thyroid cancer, in patients who meet certain other criteria. For more detailed information about this news, you can view the source press release here.

About Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

According to Cancer Research UK, an estimated 87% of lung cancer cases in the UK are non-small cell lung cancer. There are multiple types of non-small cell lung cancer, which can be differentiated using features such as where the cancer began, the shape of the cells, where it grows, and others.

About Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer affects the thyroid gland, which is a small gland that is involved in producing hormones. It is located at the base of the neck.

RET-Altered Cancers

Genetic changes to RET kinase may cause RET signalling to become overactive and to uncontrolled cell growth. RET fusions (a type of alteration) are thought to be present in about 2% of non-small cell lung cancers and between one-tenth and one-fifth of papillary and other thyroid cancers. Some RET-altered cancers are thought to be highly reliant on this kinase for their survival and growth, so drugs that inhibit RET may have the potential to significantly affect the cancer (you can look at the original press release for more detail on this mechanism.)

 About LOXO-292

LOXO-292 is an investigational RET inhibitor drug that is being researched for its potential use as a treatment for RET-altered cancers.

The US FDA has granted LOXO-292 Breakthrough Therapy Designation for the treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer and thyroid cancer that meet certain requirements. The designation has been granted for patients with metastatic RET-fusion-positive non-small cell lung cancer, who need systemic therapy, and who have progressed after platinum-based chemotherapy and an anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 therapy. The designation was also granted for the treatment of RET-mutant medullary thyroid cancer in patients who need systemic therapy, and who have progressed after prior treatment, and who do not have acceptable alternative treatment options.

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