This Young Woman is Getting Treatment for Rhabdomyosarcoma, a Rare Cancer


An article recently came out highlighting one young woman’s struggle with the rare cancer rhabdomyosarcoma.


Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare form of cancer that develops in soft tissue. It typically begins to form in the arms, legs, head, neck, urinary system, and reproductive system. Children are mainly affected by this cancer, although people of any age can get it.


The symptoms can vary depending on the location of the tumor. Cancer that starts in the head or neck can cause effects like bleeding in the throat, nose, and ears, bulging or swelling eyes, and headaches.

Cancer in the urinary or reproductive system causes issues with bowel movements, masses or bleeding in the vagina or rectum, trouble urinating, and blood in the urine. 

Karlina Muik’s Story

In July of 2021, Karlina Muik was diagnosed with stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma. This type of cancer is extremely aggressive, and although it started in her hand, it has now spread throughout her body. At just 21 years old, she is facing an unthinkable battle.

An Outpouring of Support

Karlina Muik has undergone a full round of chemotherapy and radiation, but since her cancer is so aggressive, she still requires more treatment. She has been researching other forms of cancer treatment such as naturopaths, functional medicine doctors, and holistic coaches. Unfortunately, all of these options come with a hefty cost.

Throughout her journey battling this cruel cancer, Muik has had the support of her family and friends. As the medical bills have started to grow, her family and friends have found ways to support her financially as well.

A family friend, Meghan Johnston, started a GoFundMe for Muik’s medical costs back in July 2021. Through this, they have been able to raise $15,000. Their goal is to be able to raise $50,000 in total. Her family and friends will continue to support Muik in any way they can as she continues her fight to beat her cancer.