Therapy Dogs can be Life-Changing for Those with Hemiplegic Migraine

Duncan DeLooze

Mr. DeLooze was diagnosed with hemiplegic migraine, which causes similar symptoms to a stroke. The condition also causes seizures. He’s gone through surgeries, back issues, shoulder pain, and chronic nerve damage due to a bad fall years ago. In addition, he has fibromyalgia and arthritis as well as PTSD and depression.

He is 51 years old and for most of his life he has faced chronic pain. He uses crutches or a wheelchair to help him navigate the world, but his symptoms from his various diagnoses can be debilitating.

He faces migraines and seizures so extreme that they can paralyze him. He averages around 20 seizures every month.

This is the story of how a therapy dog changed his life.

Dogs for Good

Mr. DeLooze heard about Dogs for Good while watching TV. Based out of the UK, this organization provides assistance dogs for those faced with a physical disability, learning disability, dementia, autism, or other condition where they might benefit from a trained pet. The dogs help allow patients to live more independently by assisting them with practical, every day tasks that they might be unable to or find extremely difficult to complete on their own. These include:

  • Opening/closing doors
  • Getting dressed/undressed
  • Retrieving items
  • Picking up dropped items
  • Loading/unloading the wash
  • Crossing the street

The Benefits for Mr. DeLooze

Mr. DeLooze applied for an assistance dog and was matched within a year. He received a black lab who was named Gibson. Gibson helps him to retrieve his medicine, a task in which time is truly of the essence. The faster Mr. DeLooze takes his medications, the greater chance he can prevent a migraine from happening.

Gibson has also provided emotional support, reducing his stress levels, and in turn his pain levels. Just cuddling and petting Gibson can help to ease the chronic pain.

Mr. DeLooze says if he makes even a small sound, Gibson is instantly by his side. It’s made him less fearful to leave his house because he knows if he has an attack, Gibson will be there for him. He feels safer, and less vulnerable.

Gibson is rewarded with lots of cuddles and kibble. It’s a win for everyone involved.

You can read more about this charity and the impact of therapy dogs here.

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