Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome (LPHS)
What is loin pain hematuria syndrome?
Loin pain hematuria syndrome (LPHS) is characterized by recurring and persistent pain in the area between the upper abdomen and back accompanied by blood in the urine (hematuria).
What are the symptoms of loin pain hematuria syndrome?
The primary symptom of LPHS is loin pain. This is also sometimes referred to as flank pain, and affects the area loin pain hematuria syndrome between the abdomen and back. Pain is often described as burning or throbbing. It may worsen during exertion such as exercise, or from lying on one’s back. Some patients experience LPHS unilaterally at first, but LPHS typically proceeds to affect both sides of the body. Pain may be in conjunction with heamturia, or the presence of blood in the urine. During episodes of pain related to LPHS, those affected may experience nausea, vomiting, low fever, and/or painful urination.
What causes loin pain hematuria syndrome?
The cause of LPHS is currently unknown. Some research suggests that it is due to abnormalities in certain kidney tissues which aid in the filtering of blood. Blood disorders which impair the ability of clotting may also have some impact on the development of LPHS. Another theory suggest that spasms in the kidney may lead to tissue death as a result of poor blood flow.
Nearly 50% of people affected by LPHS have some experience of kidney stones, which may yet provide another avenue of research.
How is loin pain hematuria syndrome diagnosed?
LPHS is diagnosed based on the presence of clinical signs and symptoms, and the ruling out of other possible causes. If hematuria is severe no tests may need to be done to detect this symptoms. A urinalysis can, however, be useful in detecting more discreet levels of blood in the urine. In some cases, a kidney biopsy may be necessary to confirm diagnosis.
What are the treatments for loin pain hematuria syndrome?
Treatment for LPHS largely focuses on symptomatic solutions. Pain management is often necessary, and may require administration of of narcotics or opioids. There is limited evidence suggesting that angiotensin inhibiting drugs may reduce frequency and intensity of LPHS episodes. Surgery may be suggested in extreme cases, however, research has been unclear as to its benefits or ability to treat recurring pain.