Here’s Why Support Groups are So Important in the Narcolepsy Community

San Diego is rumored to have one of the nicest climates in the United States. From what I’ve heard, it’s a balmy 72 degrees almost year-round, and the sky is seldom less than blue (except at night, when it’s not blue). There is also a zoo… but that’s another topic.

So, why am I waxing poetic about San Diego? Because they have a really great support group for people with narcolepsy.

It meets once a month from 2 to 4 p.m., and they sponsor different speakers who cover relevant topics. More importantly, it gives people the opportunity to meet with others who are sharing their journey.

The group is located in the Joyce Beers Community Center, 3900 Vermont St., San Diego, CA.

Narcolepsy has often been the punchline of television jokes. You know, the guy falling asleep face-down in his soup. But in reality, there is nothing remotely funny about having narcolepsy, excessive daytime sleepiness, or cataplexy (the sudden loss of muscle control). It can interfere with every aspect of life, from making it hard to hold a job to not being able to drive.

Fortunately, San Diego is not the only place people with narcolepsy can find support. The Narcolepsy Network has an astounding list of support groups, broken down state-by-state. To jump to that page, click here.

And if you happen to be in San Diego on the second Saturday of every month, you know exactly where to go!

Erica Zahn

Erica Zahn

Erica Zahn is passionate about raising awareness of rare diseases and disorders and helping people connect with the resources that may ease their journey. Erica has been a caregiver, and is a patient, herself, so she completely relates to the rare disease community--on a deeply personal level.

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