How to Heal from Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Fears

Living in fear—I don’t know how some people do it. I’m not talking about the shrieks from bugs or snakes. God, both of them freak me out. I’m not referring to heights or monster under the bed either.

I’m talking about living with sickle cell disease (SCD).

Fear–especially fears about our health, like with sickle cell disease–can shatter our sense of the world as we know it.

The only way to deal with fear is to face it.

Avoiding it prevents us from moving forward—it makes us anxious.

The emphasis is on “personal control.” Stress-hardy people focus their energy on those events that they have influence over, rather than situations beyond their control.

That’s exactly the thinking of these brave people living with sickle cell disease. You have to read their inspiring stories for yourself.

“Face your fears and anxieties so they don’t become debilitating.” Sounds easy, right?

Too often, we allow fear, worry, and doubt to dominate and define our lives. We allow them to steal our joy, our sleep, and our precious dreams. It’s a tough one for sure.

However, here’s an idea I learned from the sickle cell disease community. Invite fear into your life. When you fear something, move toward it. Feel it and breathe through it.

Do the things that frighten you. Action builds courage. Tell yourself, “This fear will pass.” Your world expands as your courage expands. Step into your power and dream big.

Follow it up with calculated risks and deliberate action steps. Have no doubt about your success. Your dreams are at stake here!

You have the power to do what it takes to break through any obstacles that stand in the way of yourself, your dreams, and your happiness.

With this kind of mindset, not even sickle cell disease stands a chance.

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