Absolutely No Question this Heart-Warming Story Will Leave You in Tears


You may already be familiar with the story of Todd Cendrosky, Todd Bachman, and Brittany Peck. As of this writing, the Facebook photos of the three have been liked by more than 1.3 million people and shared nearly 600,000 times. Brittany, the biological daughter of Mr. Bachman and stepdaughter of Mr. Cendrosky, wanted both of her fathers to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. What daughter wouldn’t want that? Ultimately, however, she left the decision up to Mr. Bachman. With the wedding approaching and no answer given, Brittany gave it one last shot.

“You told me you wanted my wedding to be perfect…” she started.

“I already have a plan,” Mr. Bachman responded.

So, as the bride and her biological father got ready to walk down the aisle, Mr. Bachman went and plucked Mr. Cendrosky from his chair.

“You had as much a part in raising her as I did,” he said.

The three made their teary-eyed way down the aisle together, becoming an example for children and parents of divorce all around the world.

What you may not know, however, is that Mr. Cendrosky lives with not one, not two, but three different chronic diseases: ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease, and lupus.

He came into Brittany’s life more than 15 years ago, while mom and biological dad were engaged in a custody battle–not just over Brittany, but her sister as well. But now, Mr. Bachman believes those dark days are long behind them.

Because Mr. Cendrosky fears that he’ll be in a wheelchair by the time Brittany’s sister gets married, those steps down the aisle with Mr. Bachman mean that much more to him.

“I thanked Todd for giving me that moment–that insane, crazy moment.”

Click here to read the full NY Times article.