You made it through another week Patient Worthians!
This week, we have a pretty intriguing post on acromegaly’s relationship with ED. ED is absolutely no laughing matter, but this post is both informative and a little light.
We also have a couple of great POTS posts on lifestyle changes and a girl who turned her POTS diagnosis into a TV show! And, we have our third video series post up.
So sit back and enjoy another week of Editor’s Choice posts!
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You Know What They Saw About Men with Big Feet
Is there a relationship between erectile dysfunction (ED) and acromegaly?
Read more on these cases where acromegaly treatment also seemed to cure ED in these patients!
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POTS: People Oppressed by Treatment Shortages
This post has all you need to know about POTS symptoms and lifestyle changes that could help those symptoms.
It also addresses how there currently isn’t an FDA approved treatment for POTS! How rude.
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An Inspiration Porn Rant: POTS Spelled Backward is STOP!
Ok let’s face it: Movies and TV that depict those with chronic illness as always zen, happy martyrs for their case are a little off.
Check out how this girl turned her POTS diagnosis into a realistic, TV demonstration of chronic illness.
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Chronic Disease is Like a Bad Boyfriend (Video Series)
PW Contributor Kathryn Ferguson tells us how chronic disease is like a bad, controlling boyfriend that you can’t really depend on.
Check out our third installment in PW’s video series!