Meet Amber: Living with Cervical Dystonia

Patient Worthy is very excited to introduce our newest Patient Worthy Patient Contributor, Amber!

Amber is funny, and will be contributing regularly about life with celiac disease, vestibular neuritis, and cervical dystonia.

Be sure to follow Amber here on Patient Worthy to read about her love/hate relationship with valium, tendency to bump into inanimate objects, regarded despise of Botox (the ONLY “treatment” available to her for CD), and her constant struggle to not search Google about any new symptom her body experiences.

Amber is a full time elementary school teacher and shes got two kids running around at home. Between grading papers and being a an awesome mom and wife, Amber is learning more about her body every day and wants to share her experiences managing life with a rare disease and 2 chronic diseases.

After 8 years of hiding her diagnoses from the world, Amber is ready to share her stories, opinions, tips and tricks. She overcame her internal battle of “being a victim” and refuses to let these diseases, these sometimes invisible illnesses rule her world. Oh, and she is a huge fan of ear plugs!

Click here to read Amber’s 15 Things I Want People to Know About My Crazy,  Wonderful Dystonia Life and Amber’s journey through denial and diagnosis titled: My Least Favorite Sentence.

Welcome to the family Amber!

amber PW contributorAbout the Author:

I am a wife, mother, a full-time teacher, an advocate, and a fighter who shares a body with cervical dystonia, vestibular neuritis, celiac disease and chronic depression. It’s kind of a lot to fit in one body. I am a habitual late night reader, Netflix binger, and morning grump (who is pretty sure that 5am is a mythical time). And I am living the most insane, agonizing, amazing life with blessing too numerous to count. Up until about a year ago, I wasn’t a writer. For a long time, I ignored God’s call for me to write thinking, “What makes me so special?” When I finally sat down to write, I wrote my first piece in one sitting and it was immediately published. So, then I started listening and haven’t stopped writing since. Little by little my attitude towards writing is starting to blossom. You can follow my winding journey here.