Come one, come all! Well, if you have mucopolysaccharide (MPS), that is.
The 30th Annual Family Conference is taking place this August in Colombus, Ohio and the National MPS Society would LOVE to see you there.
Here’s the scoop:
Who? Famillies (even newly diagnosed families) affected by MPS
What? A conference full of information – information on MPS treatment options and cutting-edge research. Information on gene therapy, clinical trials, and emerging therapies. A forum to ask questions and meet with other people in similar situations.
When? August 4th-6th, but the deadline to register is July 6th!
Where? Colombus, Ohio
Need childcare? Alright, I know it doesn’t start with a “W,” but complimentary childcare will be provided. It’s like these people have thought of everything! And amazingly, there’s no registration fee to attend the conference if you’re an individual with MPS or a related disease.
For more information and links to register, click here.
Are you planning to attend the Annual Family Conference? Have you been before? Let us know in a comment below!