Let’s talk about Mount Everest. It sits on the border between Nepal and China and its peak is 29,029 feet above sea level–which makes it the highest mountain on earth. So, what do you do when you see a mountain in front of you? You climb it, of course. (Unless you’re me, in which case fire up the TV and watch OTHER people do that.)
Mount Everest makes the news… a lot. Recently, a climber was arrested for failing to pay for the permit required and was captured while hiding in a cave. BTW, the fee for the permit? It costs about $11,000 U.S. dollars. So, where am I going with this? And what does it have to do with hemophilia, A or B?
I recently read an article about a gentleman who is living with hemophilia. He decided to climb Mount Everest and succeeded! I kind of doubt extreme mountain climbing is on the list of approved activities for people with bleeding disorders, for example, a hematologist would recommend swimming and nix participating in football. Yet, Chris Bombardier, who has severe hemophilia B, took a rational approach to the challenges before him. His team was prepared, and they took the climb slowly.
His main reason for achieving his goal of reaching the top was to raise awareness about hemophilia around the globe. While factor replacement therapy is now common in the United States, sadly, people around the world are still dying from it. Personally, I am in awe of his dedication and courage. We, here at Patient Worthy, salute you, Chris Bombardier!
Read more about Chris’ epic adventure here.
Have you ever dreamed of climbing Mount Everest? Share your thoughts with Patient Worthy!