Kudos to Caregivers Everywhere: The Unsung Heroes of All Time

At Patient Worthy, we’re all about rare diseases, and the focus of almost all our posts is the patient.

Today, I want to shine a bright, white light on all of you who are caregivers—the often unsung heroes in the battle between disease and wellness.

There are a few things I want to say on behalf of patients near and far.

  1. Thank you. You may not hear these words on a frequent basis, but each and every thing you do for your friend, relative, or loved one is appreciated.
  2. Your strength approaches superhero status. Every time you come across a situation that’s new, you somehow find the strength to deal with it, solve the problem, and advocate on behalf of your patient(s).
  3. It’s okay for you to ask for help. Really. You are allowed to ask a responsible person to take over for you so that you can go out for a cup of coffee or see a movie. A one- or two-hour “me” break will make it easier for you to maintain balance in your own life.
  4. You’re allowed to be happy. Many caregivers forget their own happiness because it doesn’t seem fair to focus on themselves when their loved one suffers from something they didn’t choose for themselves. But listen, your patient WANTS you to be happy.
  5. Thank you. I just wanted you to hear that again.

Caregivers are a rare and awesome breed of person, and we, at Patient Worthy, celebrate you!