The FDA Has Some Exciting News for Hemophilia B Patients

We take most of our daily activities for granted. From working out at the gym to having our teeth cleaned, but for people living with hemophilia B what most people consider ordinary activities, like a trip to the dentist, can become complicated.

This is because of a lack of a blood clotting factor (factor IX to be exact, also called the Christmas factor). Without this essential protein, simple procedures or injuries can result in prolonged or even spontaneous bleeding, particularly in the muscles, joints or internal organs.

Hemophila B is a genetic disease that affects approximately 5,000 people in the U.S according to the Centers for Disease Control. Even though this condition affects so few people, scientists and researchers have been working diligently to make new hemophilia B treatments available. Going through the process of testing and approval takes years, even decades. So the announcement of a new treatment by Novo Nordisk this year is much-awaited news for those who suffer from hemophilia B.

On May 31, 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new on-demand, injectable treatment, REBINYN® to help control bleeding episodes in children and adults with hemophilia B.

The FDA gave its approval after the new treatment passed evaluations within clinical trials on 115 patients. The approval followed the Blood Products Advisory Committee meeting held on April 4, 2017.

Novo Nordisk plans to make the treatment available in the U.S. in 2018. Here’s hoping that it helps a few more patients experience something extraordinary: a daily life that’s perfectly ordinary.