Girl with Neuroblastoma Excited for the Holidays

Sophie Walsh is in need of help. She was diagnosed with the rarest of the rare forms of cancer.

She was only two years old when her mom, Sandra, and dad, Thomas, realized their daughter had neuroblastoma. This cancer forms in nerve tissue, beginning at the adrenal glands and developing along the neck, chest, abdomen and spine. Among other symptoms, patients experience bone pains and blue lumps under the skin. To learn more about neuroblastoma, click here.

The Walshes were given the troubling news after a hospital visit. Sophie had been showing unsettling symptoms and personality shifts. A girl who was usually a fun-loving, dancing two-year old, was suddenly growing weary.

At first, they were told that she had a viral infection at Wexford General Hospital, but they weren’t satisfied with this diagnosis. They sensed there was something more severe below the surface.

After an ultrasound and a bunch of CT scans, the neuroblastoma was discovered and the family’s world was turned upside down. As they learned more about the disease, they discovered how serious and how downright rare it was.

They embarked on the long debilitating road of chemotherapy which would be an 18 month treatment process, that will end shortly before Christmas. The treatment has been arduous but it’s ultimately brought Sophie back to her usual self. She is looking forward to finishing treatment and enjoying Christmas.

Next month, Sophie will have a final scan to see how much more treatment she will need,

“It’s tough going when you are up in Dublin for the chemo. It’s tiring on her. She has to get her bloods, take anti-sickness medicine, but she just takes it all in her stride,” said Sandra to the Irish Sun.

To help raise the money for Sophie’s expensive treatment, her family will be organizing a fundraiser at the Brandon House Hotel in New Ross, Ireland.