Doctor Brings Music and Joy to Little Girl with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

Finding the right doctor for a patient can often be a long and personal process. It’s not just a matter of effectiveness or efficiency, but a matter of comfort and kindness for many patients. Dr. Martins of the Hospital das Clinicas of Ribeirao Preto appears to be the kind of professional who deeply cares for those in his care. In a recent video you can see how his gift of music to patients brought joy to a little girl being treated for Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Keep reading to learn more, or follow the original story here to watch the video and learn more details.
Langerhans cell histiocytosis is is a rare inflammatory condition characterized by an excessive number of white blood cells known as Langerhans cells or histiocytes. In healthy body function these cells help to protect the body from infection. In cases of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, the increased quantity of cells causes the development of tumors. The tumors may, in time, spread to other areas of the body.
Click here to learn more about Langerhans cell histiocytosis.

Cancer treatment is difficult at any age. Langerhans cell histiocytosis, however, most commonly affects children. Dr. Martins appears to understand the struggle of his patients. That’s why he thought to bring his ukulele to the hospital to provide some pleasant music. Initially he imagined it would mostly help provide entertainment for older patients. Though, as the video shows, a much younger patient seemed to enjoy it most.

Sophia is little, but she’s living with the very big issue that is Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Despite this, something about the music made her want to dance. So she did. As soon as Dr. Martins began playing the ukulele, Sophia gave him her full attention. Dr. Martins then performed a song just for her, and the dancing began.

On the surface the performance might not seem like much. Children get up and move all the time. Sometimes their parents wish they’d just stay still. Yet for someone like Dr. Martins to go the extra mile like this, and for someone like little Sophia to continue living with such joy – that is certainly an inspiration.

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