GRYT Health, a mobile-based social community that was organized by caregivers and cancer survivors, is organizing its 2019 Global Virtual Cancer Conference. This event will be completely hosted on GRYT’s very own digital platform and is intended to draw participants from all over the world.
So what is the Annual Global Cancer Conference? The ultimate goal of GRYT’s event is to facilitate a new culture and relationship between cancer patients and their doctors. Patients are often assigned treatments from their doctors with little consultation or consideration of the patient’s particular circumstances or needs. At the end of the day, the most effective treatment means listening and taking into account the concerns of both caregivers and patients themselves.
Increasingly this understanding is becoming more and more widely accepted as an essential component of cancer care and treatment. Advances in treatment and medical technology are also making it easier for a more inclusive approach to become reality.
The ultimate goal of this conference is the convergence of different perspectives, including patients, caregivers, cancer survivors, doctors, nonprofit organizations, health administrators, and more for a productive dialogue about how to improve cancer treatment and foster a healthier, more trusting relationship between cancer patients and their physicians. The virtual platform also means that distance and expenses will not be a barrier to attendance.
The event will address a diverse array of challenges related to cancer care, including patient-focused drug development, cancer rehabilitation, and societal challenges. Each live session will include its own interactive forum space for open communication.
To learn more about attending the 2019 Global Virtual Cancer Conference, check out our event calendar here.