Don’t Ignore Your Excessive Sweating- It Could Be Hyperhidrosis

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating. Diagnosis is made not necessarily by the amount of sweat, but by the context of when the individual sweats.

Most people sweat when they exercise or when it’s hot outside. This is normal and healthy. However, if you don’t stop sweating soon after either of these circumstances, that’s not normal.

Similarly, if you sweat when it’s not particularly hot, or you’re not doing a lot of physical activity, this may be a sign of something more serious is going on.

If any of the following are occurring, it is wise to make an appointment with your doctor.

  • The amount or frequency with which you sweat influences your daily life
  • You can’t find any remedy to reduce your sweat
  • You sweat excessively at least once every week
  • Your sweat causes you anxiety, emotional distress, or social withdrawal.

Hyperhidrosis can impact specific areas of the body mores than others. The most common body parts to be affected are the feet, the hands, as well as the armpits.

Although this condition can occur for no apparent reason, it is more common if you have a family member with the condition. It can also occur as a result of another condition or it may be a side effect of one of your medications such as antidepressants.


Potential treatments for hyperhydrosis include-

  • Electric current therapy
  • Surgery to remove sweat glands
  • Tablets
  • Botox injections

At Home Remedies

At home remedies can be incredibly effective for treating hyperhidrosis. These encompass a wide range of strategies. Some of the most important include-

  • Avoid products which use soap and substituting for emollient washes. These help the skin to maintain moisture and provide hydration.
  • Switch to antiperspirant instead of using deodorant. Antiperspirant blocks the tubes from the sweat glands so the sweat doesn’t reach the skin.
  • Pay attention to which types of clothing may exacerbate the condition. These include man-made synthetic material, cotton, silk, and linen.
  • Try looser fitting clothing
  • Minimize eating spicy food, alcohol, and caffeine
  • Minimize stress levels as much as possible. Therapy and breathing exercises are some potential ways to improve mental health.
  • Stay hydrated in hot weather to protect yourself, especially in the heat when you are losing a lot of liquid. Similarly, be aware of overexertion and listen to your body.

You can read more about this condition here.

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