Managing Chronic Kidney Disease through Diet

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), eating the right diet is essential to managing chronic kidney disease. The NIDDK recommends that patients find a registered dietician to identify the right types of foods and meals to support kidney health.

The NIDDK identified 5 steps to take to manage a proper diet to maintain and elevate kidney health.

  1. Low Salt and Sodium

Foods with low amounts of salt or sodium help to manage blood pressure.  CKD patients should not consume more that 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day.

  1. The Right Proteins

Proteins support proper waste removal, and too much can make kidneys work unnecessarily harder.  Eat measured portions of animal and/or plant-based proteins based on the advice of a professional.

  1. Heart Healthy Foods

Maintaining clear, build-up free blood vessels is vital for kidney health.  Removing trans and saturated fats as much as possible and basing a diet on lean proteins, fish, fruits, vegetables and beans.

Steps 4 and 5 are crucial for patients who have declining kidney function.

  1. Less Phosphorus

The build-up of phosphorus in the blood is common with CKD.  Phosphorus build-up will cause the blood vessels to pull calcium from the bones to combat it, leading to thinning and weakening of the bones.  Avoid packaged foods with added phosphorus.

  1. The Right Amount of Potassium

Potassium levels can fluctuate for CKD patients, potentially causing build-up in the blood that can lead to serious heart issues. Lowering potassium intake can be necessary to accommodate damaged kidneys.



For more information about kidney safe diets and tips on how to best support kidney health, please visit the American Kidney Fund here.


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