Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Treated for Pancreatic Cancer 

It was announced late last week that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had just completed three weeks of radiation treatment for tumors on her pancreas.

Pancreatic cancer occurs in the pancreas, an organ that lies behind the lower part of the stomach. The pancreas releases enzymes that help you digest food, as well as hormones that help to manage your blood sugar.

“Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg today completed a three-week course of stereotactic ablative radiation therapy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City,” a statement from the Supreme Court read. “The focused radiation treatment began on August 5 and was administered on an outpatient basis to treat a tumor on her pancreas. The abnormality was first detected after a routine blood test in early July, and a biopsy performed on July 31 at Sloan Kettering confirmed a localized malignant tumor.

Despite being 86 and this not being her first tussle with a major illness — in fact, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer once before — the iconic Justice still keeps her wits very much about her.

“There was a senator, I think it was after my pancreatic cancer, who announced with great glee that I was going to be dead within six months,” Ginsburg said. “That senator, whose name I have forgotten, is now himself dead, and I,” she added with a smile, “am very much alive.”

Wishing the Notorious R.B.G. well.

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