Virginia Spearheading Lyme Disease Legislation

Guys, I am so pumped to be from Virginia right now. Having gone to the University of Virginia, I definitely have state pride, but the latest legislation passed in my state REALLY solidifies my feelings.

I’ve suffered from Lyme Disease for about 13 or 14 years now. My best friend had suffered from it for 8 years. Needless to say, it’s definitely been an immense presence in my life.

But as of February 11, Virginia passed a Lyme bill that essentially protects medical professionals who treat Lyme patients with more than the CDC standard 28-day antibiotic treatment, which is driven by the IDSA standards for treating Lyme.

For those of you who don’t know, physicians have been subject to sanctions by state medical boards if they treat Lyme patients outside of these guidelines. In fact, some have had their licenses suspended for treating patients with persistent symptoms.

The guidelines set by the IDSA (and consequently the CDC) are argued to be out-dated and negligent by some of the leading Lyme organizations, including ILADS.

This bill in Virginia is HUGE for both Lyme patients and physicians because now those seeking appropriate treatment for Lyme in VA are more likely to get it! Go us.

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