Are You Getting Enough Zzz’s? Living with Narcolepsy

above photo by Sandro Georgi Photography

Throughout March, Patient Worthy is supporting the narcolepsy community in publishing all about living with narcolepsy and the #narcoleptictruth.

The 2016 theme for Sleep Awareness Week by the National Sleep Foundation is #7Days4BetterSleep.

Are You Getting Enough Zzz’s?

This info-graphic by the National Sleep Foundation breaks down by age, how much sleep you should be getting. This info is the most basic culmination of an expert panel of 6 sleep experts, 12 stakeholder organizations and several published studies.

Narcolepsy is not rare, but it is an under-recognized and under-diagnosed condition.

The National Center on Sleep Disorders Research opened up back in 1993 by the NIH, but because sleep disorders like narcolepsy and symptoms of narcolepsy present across multiple medical fields and disciplines, sleep medicine remains a “newer” field of study.

How much sleep do you get? Join the conversation and help us raise awareness.

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