We hope that within all this chaos, you’re still able to enjoy some parts of spring. Today, we have a story about kids with disabilities who are affected by the school closings. Next, we have a podcast with a guest fron Connecting Families with UCD. Finally, we have a story about a youtuber with ulcerative colitis tackling a taboo topic.
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Kids Who Need Special Education are Disproportionately Affected by School Closings
A lot of families are feeling the stress of suddenly shifting the kids into home-school mode. When a child needs special help with education, some of the struggles might be amplified. [one_half]
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Putting the pieces back together with Lynzi Russell from the Connecting Families with Urea Cycle Disorder Foundation
Lynzi Russell joins our podcast to talk about UCD and moving from denial to self acceptance.
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YouTuber with Ulcerative Colitis Teaches Followers About Sex and Intimacy with a Disability
Intimacy can be a taboo subject, but it’s important to discuss. This Youtuber helps break the stigma for followers who are navigating the complex world of sex with a disability.