Announcing The Best Behcet’s Awareness Day Celebration

Alright, folks: Get out your calendars! Or more appropriately, pull up your calendar on your phone!

Now, go to May 22nd. It’s a Sunday.

How does your day look? Free?

Good! Because now you have plans!

The America Behcet’s Disease Association (ABDA) is hosting the 2016 Walk for Behcet’s Disease to celebrate two very important things: May is not only International Behcet’s Awareness Month, Bechet’s Awareness Day is celebrated on May 20th.

To sweeten the deal, the ABDA is also hosting a program the day before FOR FREE!

This program is all about the patients! Free education, medical discussion, and an opportunity to actually meet other people living with Behcet’s disease! Did I mention this is FOR FREE?!

If you try to find another person living with Behcet’s in your normal, everyday life, you’d be better off trying to find the Loch Ness monster. So I can’t tell you how excited I am that we actually get the opportunity to meet each other!

“Is that you, Bessie?” Source:

Now, of course, the great ol’ US of A is a big place and unfortunately, this fantastic 2-Day event can only be held in one place. So, if you’re in the Rochester, Michigan area, you’re in luck!

If you’re not, the ABDA has generously reserved a section of hotel rooms at a discounted rate for you to stay.

For more details on the weekend, check out the informational page by the ABDA.

This event sounds like a great way to spread awareness of Behcet’s disease and strengthen our community. I hope to see you there!

Are you planning on going to the 2016 Walk for Behcet’s Disease, or have you gone to a Walk before?

Share your experience or what you hope to get out of this amazing weekend!