14 Year Old CEO Creates App For Rare Disease Community

Claire Barrow is a 14 year old CEO, entrepreneur, rare disease patient, and advocate for the rare disease community. She is the founder and CEO of an app called RareGuru which helps to connect people with rare diseases across the world.

Claire explains that she never anticipated this would be her career path. But after being diagnosed with a rare blood condition as she was preparing for 7th grade, she found herself grappling for information about the diagnosis.

Her mother also has the same condition, and the two found it incredibly difficult to find the information they needed. Additionally, they found it hard to find others diagnosed with the condition.

They found it hard to find a community.

Although Claire is excited about her business and growing as an entrepreneur, she’s most looking forward to changing the lives of other patients who were in her same position.

Claire’s app is just the beginning. She hopes that by connecting the rare disease community, she’ll open many other doors for rare disease patients. There are 7,000 rare diseases so although each disease doesn’t affect too many people, the community itself is large. RareGuru could impact millions.