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Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS)

What is pigmented villonodular synovitis?

Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a condition that is characterized by an overgrown synovium, which is the lining of the joints and tendons. The mass that grows on the synovium is benign, but it can continue growing and become harmful to the surrounding tissue. The knee is most commonly affected. 

What are the symptoms of pigmented villonodular synovitis?

Pain and swelling in the affected area is the most common symptom. Instability, locking, stiffness, and hemarthrosis are the other possible symptoms. It is important to seek treatment, as damage to the surrounding bone and tissue is possible. 

What causes pigmented villonodular synovitis?

The cause of this condition is unknown. Medical professionals have found a few genetic changes that are associated, but none are the cause. However, they do know that colony stimulating factor 1 is involved. 

How is pigmented villonodular synovitis diagnosed?

Doctors will first use a physical exam, which is often followed by tests. These include X-rays, MRIs, biopsies, and joint aspirations. 

What are the treatments for pigmented villonodular synovitis?

Surgery is typically the first treatment option, and there are multiple methods doctors may use. Other treatment options include radiation therapy and drug therapy. 

Where can I find out more about pigmented villonodular synovitis?

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