Fabry Disease: How to Take the Bite Out of Ignorance!

I applaud the American Association of Kidney Patients for their efforts to raise awareness about a condition called Fabry disease.

A rather rare genetic disease, Fabry disease seems to affect people differently.

In fact, because no two people will experience the same symptoms, some people are mistakenly diagnosed with other conditions.

Examples of those misdiagnoses are:

  • heart disease and/or
  • autoimmune immune diseases, like multiple sclerosis

Fabry disease is like diabetes and heart disease, which if left untreated, can be fatal. It can be just as serious over time as the condition causes damage to major organs.

So how do you counter this doom and gloom?

By getting educated about the Fabry disease and how to best manage it!

How cool is it that Emory University sponsored a disease awareness webinar program during July 2016?

The goal was to help educate people in the Fabry disease community. Surely, this disease has the ability to impact every member of a loved one’s family—not just the patient. Thanks to technology, anyone who registers can also catch the archived recording of the program, sponsored by pharmaceutical giant, Genzyme.

Alisha Stone

Alisha Stone

Alisha Stone has a BA in psychology and is dedicated to improving the lives of others living with chronic illnesses.

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