SpringWorks Therapeutics Beefs Up Programs with Handsome Funding

Care to be inspired today? There’s a group of inspirational world-changers named SpringWorks Therapeutics. These pioneers are on a mission to unite scientists, biopharmaceutical partners, patient groups and philanthropists to make breakthroughs in medicine to those in need. Talk about squad goals, right?!

They aren’t alone in their mission to change the world. They just launched Series A financing of $103M from their financers. This nice chunk of change will help bring scientific milestones to those in need. They also have official rights to clinical-stage experimental therapies powered by Pfizer.

Lara S. Sullivan, M.D. Founder and President of SpringWorks Therapeutics chimed in:

“We initially have rights to four very promising experimental therapies and, over time, plan to expand our pipeline by partnering with other life science companies and academic institutions who share in our mission.”

There exists 4 diseases that currently have no existing cure – Neurofibromatosis, Desmoid Tumor, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Hereditary Xerocytosis. SpringWorks will be trying to combat these 4 with cutting edge research and development.
Among the fatal, neurofibromatosis poses a great challenge for SpringWorks.

This genetic disorder causes tumors to develop along nerve tissue. They commonly appear in the nervous system, spinal cord, nerves, even the brain. It creeps its way into the system and can be diagnosed as early as childhood. In rare cases, the tumors can become malignantly cancerous, which is why SpringWorks will be honing in on the disorder and work their magic. They aim to work hand in hand with the Children’s Tumor Foundation to make their patient’s needs their top priority.

Their challenges include maximizing healthy growth and development and overseeing complications as soon as they make themselves known Surgery is a way to to ease the painful symptoms as the neurofibromatosis begins to jarringly press on nerves. Ouch! Other patients find different ways to relinquish pain through tereotactic radiosurgery or pain meds.

SpringWorks is designed in a way where it receives both social and financial returns through unions with the future leaders of American in the pharmaceutical industry. We can only hope that with this handsome financing, that they can continue to fight these rare diseases. In the meantime, we should all look at these miracle workers as inspirational fuel for our own lives.

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