Help Jake Get a Golden Ticket on October 7th!

When three-year-old Jake Burgman was born, something was wrong.

Three months into his life, the Burgman’s noticed that Jake was unable to lift his own head, among other developmental delays. What followed were three painful years of uncertainty, trying to nail down the mystery behind Jake’s condition.

Finally they were given a sense of closure when he was diagnosed with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease (PMD) and the Burgman’s were able to assess the situation and figure out how to treat it. PMD is a highly rare central nervous system disorder where coordination, motor abilities and intellectual function are extensively delayed. To learn more, click here.

According to Pass Herald, Jake’s mother Sue said,

“He had no idea that he had a pelvis. He wasn’t using it. He was army crawling, just dragging himself with his forearms across the floor. He had a hard time rolling, he wasn’t sitting and he had no sign language, so there was no way of communication.”
For the first time in three years, the Burgman’s were seeing progress once they started treating Jake for the disorder. He began to perform basic motor functions and now knows over 30 signs and a dozen words. Among the milestones are sitting, crawling and getting into a four-point table position.

As helpful as this therapy was for Jake, it does not qualify for coverage under healthcare plans and without the insurance, it’s incredibly expensive.

The Burgman’s decided to throw a party.
It’s called Jake’s Golden Ticket fundraiser and it will feature dancing, dinner, and an auction, all in support of Jake’s rehabilitation process. Their fundraising goal is $100,000. This money would go towards Sue’s very own ABM training. She hopes that with this knowledge she could quit her job and dedicate her life to helping kids with special needs. Sue is ready for a career change.
“That’s going to be the journey, to try to help other families that are in the same situation as me where they’re just frustrated with what the medical system provides and not knowing where to go.”
Source: Giphy
To contribute to Jake’s Golden Ticket, you can do so on their gofundme page here.