3 Exercises to Help You If You Have AS

Props to medical professionals who make the effort to be approachable—and sometimes entertaining. A lot of us appreciate your efforts—even when they just come off as awkward.

These two physical therapists are a case in point, bless their awk little hearts. But they do offer three great approaches for stretching out problem areas caused by ankylosing spondylitis (AS).

AS, for those who are new to it, is an inflammatory arthritis that affects the spine. It can really do a number on your ability to stand up straight and is often very detrimental to your range of motion. One of the biggest issues that it can cause your vertebra and ribs to fuse, which can make your ribcage less flexible. Before you know it, your lungs can’t fully expand.

This is not good. But these symptoms are where physical therapy (or PT) shines.

The two PT practitioners in the video take time to thoroughly explain and demonstrate exercises people can do to help offset the postures AS is trying to force onto your body. And you don’t have to leave home to learn ‘em!

Of course, you should always talk with your doctor before making any lifestyle changes, including adding exercise and stretches.



EmpatheticBadass is a young-at-heart writer from Ohio (Go, Bobcats & The Marching 110!)) who is passionate about being a voice for the patient perspective.

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