The Six Types of EDS In a Nutshell, Everything You Need to Know

Editor’s note: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome research is constantly evolving. Since the publication of this article, we have covered more types that were not included in this article. To check out a more in depth list, click here.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is not just one syndrome. Wouldya believe it’s a group of syndromes? And they’re caused, according to the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation, “by various defects in the synthesis of collagen.”

There are six main forms of EDS: hypermobility, classical, vascular, kyphoscoliosis, arthrochalasia, and dermatosparaxis, and each is distinctive of one another by a “unique defect in connective tissue.”

Let’s take a closer look at them, shall we? Why the heck not?

1. Hypermobility is the most common type of EDS and can affect the elbows, knees, fingers, and toes, as well as other major joints. People with hypermobility typically experience pain, tenderness, bruising, and frequent dislocations of various joints.

2. People with Classical EDS tend to have fragile, scarred skin and joint hypermobility. For this reason, combined with dysfunctional tissue extensibility, hiatal hernias are common, as well as sprains and dislocations.

3. Vascular is the most life-threatening of the six types. Essentially, just combine all the signs and symptoms of the first two types with features such as large eyes, skinny nose, lobeless ears, short height, and thinning hair, and you’ve got the vascular type of EDS. Not only is this type more serious, it’s the most obvious. Life expectancy averages around 40 years, due to arterial and organ rupture.

4. Kyphoscoliosis has the most complicated name, that’s for sure. Kyphoscoliosis causes a combination of outward curvature and sideways (lateral) curvature of the spine. It’s characterized by general joint laxity and severely weak muscle tone. Children diagnosed with kyphoscoliosis typically are delayed developmentally. You can also expect scarring and bruising.

5. Arthrochalasia predominantly attacks the hips, and dislocation is common, as well as joint hypermobility and skin hyperextensibility, which can lead to scarring and bruising.

6. And last but not least, Dermatosparaxis is our sixth and final main type! Out of all the types, people with dermatosparaxis have the most fragile skin, which typically sags and easily bruises. Not many people have been diagnosed with this form of EDS.

Read here for more information on the types of EDS and treatment available.

Lady Kehveen Abernathy

Lady Kehveen Abernathy

Lady Kehveen Abernathy, of noble birth (or so she’d like to believe), is what many would call a youthful “old soul.” As a self-proclaimed “caregiver to the world,” impassioned about life, triumph, and all things beauty, Lady Kehveen strives to love others, seek understanding, and most importantly, spread awareness. But don’t let her sweet demeanor deceive you. Dressed to the nines over corset and petticoat, she’s made it her mission to defend the innocent and fight all things evil on this Earth. And being no stranger to chronic disease, she knows exactly where to start.

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