A Woman’s Death in The Santa Fe School Shooting May Save The Life of Her Husband with IPF

According to a story from CNN, substitute teacher Cynthia Tisdale was widely admired by her family and friends. Cynthia was murdered in the Santa Fe High School shooting on May 18th. She was respected and loved dearly because of her dedication to her husband William, who was diagnosed with the rare lung disease idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in December. He had other health problems previously, and Cynthia had been working during the day as a substitute teacher and at night as a server at an Italian restaurant.
IPF is a chronic, progressive lung disease with an unknown cause. The lungs slowly begin to develop scar tissue, which severely inhibits breathing ability. There is no treatments that can reverse the disease and patients die an average of four years after diagnosis. Symptoms of IPF include shortness of breath, a dry cough, fatigue, clubbing of the digits, and a tearing, crackling sound that can be heard with a stethoscope. Risk factors for IPF include a family history, cigarette smoking, and infections from certain viruses. Most patients eventually need supplemental oxygen. Pulmonary rehabilitation can help retain lung function, and certain medicines and a lung transplant can help delay progression. To learn more about IPF, click here.

When he was diagnosed, William was given around a year and half to live, but Cynthia’s death brought a strange silver lining. As word about her story began to spread, a GoFundMe page set up for William rapidly exceeded its $30,000 funding goal. This money will allow William to fund an experimental stem cell treatment for his IPF that was recommended by his doctor. Additionally, the family hopes to seek a second opinion to see if he is eligible for a lung transplant.

School shootings are senseless, horrific tragedies, but out of this one it seems that the chance at life for William has gotten a little bit stronger. One of Cynthia’s children says that her mother always knew how to make the best of a bad situation, and that this instance is no different. Cynthia was a resident of Pharr, Texas, and members of her church congregation at Anchor Bible Baptist Church recall her as a generous and kind human.

Click here to donate to William’s GoFundMe page.

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