BHD Foundation

The BHD Foundation (UK Charity Commission number 1122073-1) was created in 2011 in collaboration with the Birt-Hogg-Dubé Family Alliance and the Myrovlytis Trust.


The BHD Foundation aims to support, inform and connect the BHD community worldwide.


The BHD Foundation supports the community at every stage from genetic testing to ongoing management. We achieve this by providing comprehensive information and resources for people with BHD, their families and healthcare providers.

We foster the relationship between patients, clinicians and researchers to build a strong and versatile community. This is managed through hosting events, running campaigns and funding research through the Myrovlytis Trust.

Together we will work towards a future with increased awareness of BHD, new therapies, and eventually a cure.

For all funding enquiries please visit the Myrovlytis Trust website

Condition Awareness & Advocacy

Here is a list of conditions this partner raises awareness and advocacy for: 

Connect With BHD Foundation

Patient Worthy Posts on BHD