Cancer Commons

When you have cancer, navigating care can be overwhelming. You may wonder whether you’re on the right path, or if you’re missing out on promising new treatments. Cancer Commons can help. Our nurse navigators, patient support specialists, PhD scientists, and nationally-recognized oncology experts combine compassion with deep scientific knowledge to help you understand your disease and access your best treatment options. We draw on the most up-to-date research—as well as insights from leading cancer experts, and outcomes from patients on treatments beyond the standard of care—so you can be confident you’ve left no stone unturned. Personalized Action Plans Depending on your needs, we can help:
  • Locate clinical trials that may provide access to leading-edge treatments
  • Identify and access promising off-label treatments
  • Find and access treatments that are available through expanded access or compassionate use
  • Identify molecular diagnostic testing to guide treatment
  • Explain treatments and tests in plain language
  • Make sense of multiple treatment recommendations
  • Keep you updated on the latest developments in cancer research
Our goal is to equip you with a personalized plan of action to help you and your medical team make your best-possible treatment decisions.

Condition Awareness & Advocacy

Here is a list of conditions this partner raises awareness and advocacy for: 

Resources & Support

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Patient Worthy Posts on Cancer