HAE Junior

HAE Junior is a patient organisation seeking to improve the quality of life of children & young people
suffering from hereditary angioedema (HAE). HAE is a rare and potentially life-threatening immune
disorder, causing recurring painful swellings on various parts of the body.
The organisation was established in Prague, in December 2019, by a group of parents of HAE pediatric

HAE Junior’s main goals are:

  1. ADVOCATE for better access to modern HAE medicine, therapies and care.
  2. INFORM & ADVISE in relation to HAE diagnose.
  3. FOSTER patient networking (inter)nationally.
  4. SUPPORT INCLUSION of HAE kids & youth.

Condition Awareness & Advocacy

Here is a list of conditions this partner raises awareness and advocacy for: 

Resources & Support

Connect With HAE Junior

Patient Worthy Posts on HAE