HCU Network America
The HCU Network America strives:
- to inform and provide resources for patients and families, create connections, influence state and federal policy, and support advancement of diagnosis and treatment for Homocystinuria and related disorders.
- to support research that improves diagnosis and treatment including a cure for the disease.
- to create connections across the community and facilitate sharing of information and best practices through in-person and virtual events and discussions.
- to assure all patients are diagnosed as early and efficiently as possible to enable access to care and avoid complications.
- to provide information and resources to better manage the disease. Resources include:
- HCU treatment and dietary approaches
- General disease management
- Increased access for treatment and supplements
- Research findings and opportunities for clinical trials
Condition Awareness & Advocacy
Here is a list of conditions this partner raises awareness and advocacy for:
Resources & Support
Patient Worthy Posts on Homocystinuria
Here’s What You Should Know About Homocystinuria
Homocystinuria is an extremely rare disorder. It is estimated that only 1 in 344,000 people in the world have it. Homocystinuria is a genetically inherited.
Have Homocystinuria and Need Help Affording Your Medical Bills?
Treatment is expensive. The HealthWell Foundation gets it, and they’re here to help. Insurance companies don’t want to pay more than they have to for
Got Homocystinuria? I Hope You Know About This Resource!
The HCU Network of America is not only trying to spread awareness and encourage research for homocystinuria, they were founded to serve as a resource
Register for this September International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Event TODAY!
August 21st is the online registration deadline for this rare disease event! The site says the 15th and the 21st, so either way, you’ll want
An October Rare Disease Event Just For You!
Want an excuse to get to Florida and learn more about the science of human genetics in society and health? Then we definitely have an
HCU Network America Conference Wrap Up!
The inaugural Homocystinuria Network America Conference was held April 21st-22nd in Westford, MA. The families in attendance traveled from all across the US for the