Look at What One Physical Therapist Wants You to Know About Blood Disorders

When you think of a physical therapist, you typically think of a person that will help with treating injuries. Or you think of them a movement specialists. Surprisingly, physical therapists consider blood disorders when treating patients.

hemophilia and von Willebrand disease (vWD).

One may not even know what a blood or bleeding disorder such as vWD is, until they experience a traumatic event. At this point, the bleeding does not stop.

According to Dr. Smith who is a physical therapist, vWD affects about 1 percent of  people. It occurs when a blood protein named von Willebrand factor (VWF) is defective. If a person does not have an adequate amount of VWF then it will take longer for the person to stop bleeding.

The following are some ways the trait reveals itself:

  • Heavy menstrual flow
  • Recurrent nose bleeds lasting a long time
  • Easy bruising
  • Too much bleeding after surgery

We urge you to get tested if you experienced any of the symptoms. If you know someone who has been diagnosed with hemophilia or VWD, make sure they find a hemophilia treatment center. It is important that they get tested and receive the proper treatment.

Take the National Hemophilia Foundation’s Red Tie Challenge to spread awareness and fight against bleeding disorders.

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