Follow Patient Worthy Live at the Orphan Drug Summit in Copenhagen!

Networking Dinner
Networking Dinner

Patient Worthy is bringing another conference to you through live tweets (@PatientWorthy)!
Yesterday and today our director of advocacy is attending the Orphan Drug Summit in Copenhagen , Denmark.

Among many leaders in the field of rare disease and orphan drugs and with an exciting agenda our directory of advocacy is sure to have some interesting things to report! The purpose of the conference is to discuss issues and share ideas and knowledge, Patient Worthy wants to bring all of that to you! Some topics of discussion will be regarding patient registries and access to those registries, affordability of orphan drugs, and delivery of those drugs.

WP_20150917_004So far we’ve received the following updates from these discussions:

What are some issues you think need resolving within the realm of rare disease treatment and orphan drugs?
Keep updated on our Facebook page  or twitter account @PatientWorthy and check out the official twitter for the summit @PharmaDivision

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