You Might Have Narcolepsy IF…


On Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 20:55:24 -0000 Sleepymoon posted the following message to readers followed by 128 different versions of You Might Have Narcolepsy IF...

Are we really that bad?

(in relationship solely to narcolepsy,thought I would share this HERE, hope you enjoy):

Kudos for making us giggle, Sleepymoon. We would sure like to meet you! Reach out to us @PatientWorthy! We decided to feature 5 of our favorite sentence finishers to You Might Have Narcolepsy IF …  from Sleepymoon.

  1. You feel like you’re trapped inside an invisible time machine that thrusts you forward in time in random 2 hr spurts.
  2. You’ve trained your dog to turn on the coffee maker, pull the covers off you in the morning when your alarm goes off, and prod you into the shower.
  3. You have more than 3 sticky notes on your bathroom mirror daily and one of them says “Don’t forget to read your sticky notes”.
  4. You tell the other people in your office that snoring is part of a new form of yoga you are practicing that relaxes and frees the creative centers of your brain.
  5. You carry pamphlets around in your purse or pockets about the symptoms of Narcolepsy and wear a bracelet that says on the front
    • “If I fell and appear unconscious, read pamphlet #1.”
    • “If it was a slow drop-off that started with eyes crossing, read pamphlet #2.”
    • “If I am screaming about demons, read pamphlet #3 (if you can catch me).”
      • And on the back, it says, “This is not a joke. It is a medical condition.”

Yes, narcolepsy is  serious condition, but here at Patient Worthy we believe humor helps. 

Reach out to us @PatientWorthy #thenarcoleptictruth and finish the sentence You Might Have Narcolepsy IF … for the chance to win naptastic (multi-use and waterproof) PW Schwag!