There’s nothing more important than being able to create collaborative, meaningful and positive conversations between Healthcare Providers and Patients and vice-versa.

That’s why, for the remainder of the year, you’ll be able to enjoy daily “Talking Tips” courtesy of Edward Leigh from The Center for Healthcare Communication.


PS: sssshhhhhhhh – here’s a little secret I’m letting you all in on early. Start playing around with Canva or other meme generating apps on your phone and start upping your meme game. Just saying… there may or may not come a time when having a healthy selection of self-made memes regarding your rare disease could pay off *WINK* *WINK* 

sourced from giphy – oh Shaq, never leave us!

We know you love our Memes and we love making them. Let us know what you think in the comments below or shoot us a note on Facebook or Twitter.