When Life Gives You Lyme, Make Lymeade…

Some people may not understand the seriousness of Lyme and what those effected with it, or even the people in those people’s families go through.

It can have so many different types of symptoms. These symptoms can range from flu-like, to Bell’s Palsey or IBS. Two separate cases could look totally different, and finally getting the right diagnoses can seem like an unending up hill battle. Once you do get the right diagnoses however, is when you can hopefully start the journey to eventually feeling better. Often when something goes wrong in life, people tell you “When life gives you lemons make lemonade,” but when life gives you Lyme, it is a whole new ball game.

Kristen Lord

Kristen Lord

Kristen is a junior and soon to be senior at Christopher Newport University. She has an Associate’s Degree in graphic design, and is working toward her Bachelors in Fine Arts focusing in graphic design. Kristen has a passion for animals and art, and in her spare time likes to paint, or design on the computer as well as playing with her dog Mr. Pickles. Kristen is happy to be moving on to a new chapter of her life soon, getting married at the end of May 2016 and graduating in April 2017.

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