For so many people, hearing the word “normal” come out of a doctor’s mouth can be comforting. But for Chloe Christos, now 27 and diagnosed with von Willebrand disease (vWD), this was the opposite of what she was hoping for. Chloe caught the attention of SELF magazine and shared her story on a grand scale to help reach as many women as possible.
It started when she was 14 and started menstruating. Most girls her age had begun having their periods, but for Chloe it started to get weird. It lasted one week, then two… then three and had STILL not stopped bleeding. Chloe was using more sanitary pads a day than most girls were during their whole cycle! Chloe went to the doctor because she knew she did not feel right. Her doctor noticed some low iron levels, told her to increase her intake of red meat and that was it!
I cannot imagine being 14, bleeding profusely, tired, and scared then being told to just “tough it out”. I would have given up hope for feeling normal again right then and there!
After a couple of months of constant bleeding Chloe had critically low blood pressure and was fainting on a regular basis. She stated in her interview with SELF, “I thought I was going to die”. Five years later at age 19, Chloe was finally given an answer: she was diagnosed with von Willebrand disease (vWD).Now, Chloe has found a new clinical trial for an infusion treatment that has started to control her disease. Since vWD is different for all, it took a lot of trial and error to find the right medication. Her mission now: spread the word. Chloe is very active on social media, sharing videos, pictures, and words of encouragement. She hopes that someday soon, information to help educate people and promote talking with physicians about possible symptoms of vWD will be on every box of tampons and pads.
Chloe took her life-changing experience and turned it into something beneficial for women across the world. Cheers to you Chloe for opening so many eyes to vWD and sharing your story with us all!
What was YOUR journey to a von Willebrand diagnosis like? Share your experiences with the PatientWorthy community!